drop item in fortnite

Mastering the Drop Item Feature in Fortnite: A Comprehensive Guide for Keyboard and Controller Users

Master the Art of Dropping Items in Fortnite for PC

In Fortnite, every item holds value and decision-making becomes crucial as you have limited inventory space. To make room for more important items like building materials or ammo, you need to know how to effectively drop items. Whether you’re using a keyboard and mouse or a controller, we’ve got you covered.

Dropping Items with a Keyboard and Mouse

If you’re a PC gamer utilizing a keyboard and mouse, follow these simple steps to drop items in Fortnite:

Credits: @Admiral_Brady /

When it comes to dropping items in Fortnite on PC, you have two options: using default hotkeys or utilizing your mouse.

  1. Start by opening your inventory, which is typically done with the I key.
  2. Next, left-click on the item you want to drop using your mouse.
  3. Drag the item out of your inventory and release the mouse button.

In the fast-paced world of Fortnite, this method is the most efficient and quickest way to drop items. As you progress through the game, the weapons you initially pick up will likely be replaced, so there’s no need to hold onto them. Dropping them frees up space for ammo, building materials, or just more loot in general.

If you prefer a different approach, you can also drop items from your inventory by holding down the X key. If you select an item, such as building materials, tapping the X key will drop 30 of that item instead of the entire stack. This can be useful for sharing resources with your teammates.

Dropping Items Using a Controller

If you’re playing Fortnite on PC using a controller, whether it’s Xbox or PS4/PS5, the process for dropping items is slightly different. You’ll use the same buttons as you would on their respective consoles.

  1. To open your inventory, use the D-Pad Up button on your controller.
  2. Highlight the item you want to drop.
  3. Press the Square button (PS4/PS5) or the X button (Xbox) to drop the item.
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And that’s all you need to know about dropping items in Fortnite on PC. If you’re taking on challenges or quests in the game, make sure to check out how Reality Saplings work in-game or discover other available quests in Season 3.

About the author

Brady Klinger-Meyers

Meet Brady, the passionate and dedicated Freelance Writer at Twinfinite. With over three years of experience covering video games and the gaming industry, Brady brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. His areas of focus include new releases, such as Diablo 4 and Roblox, as well as his love for RPGs. When he’s not immersed in the world of gaming, you can find Brady passionately working on his latest short story, showcasing his creative talents beyond the gaming sphere.






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