gold dwarf bg3

Gold Dwarf BG3: Unveiling Racial Features, Traits, Best Class Selection and More in Baldur’s Gate 3

Are you curious about the Dwarf race in Baldur’s Gate 3? If you’re a fan of fantasy settings like Lord of the Rings, then you probably have an idea of what Dwarves are like in this game. Dwarves in Baldur’s Gate 3 are an ancient and resilient race who dwell in mountain fortresses. They are known for their exceptional craftsmanship in creating weapons, armor, and jewelry. Dwarves hold great respect for their ancestors and are deeply devoted to their clans. While they primarily inhabit their own mountain strongholds, they can also be found living in human cities.

Although Dwarves may be shorter in stature compared to other races, they make up for it with their robustness and durability. One notable characteristic of Dwarves is their long beards, which they proudly decorate with intricate braids and beads.

Unfortunately, none of the companions in Baldur’s Gate 3 are Dwarven. Therefore, if you want to experience the world from a Dwarf’s perspective, you’ll need to create your own character. In this game, you have the opportunity to choose the path that aligns with your interests and preferences, allowing you to shape your Dwarf exactly as you envision.

Distinctive Traits of Dwarves

  • Base speed – 7.5 meters per turn

Subraces of Dwarves in Baldur’s Gate 3

Dwarves have three unique subraces, each with its own set of characteristics, which significantly impact their stats and potential builds in the game. Allow me to introduce you to these three Dwarf subraces in Baldur’s Gate 3:

Gold Dwarf

The Gold Dwarves are known for their strong family bonds, intricate rituals, and exceptional craftsmanship. They possess remarkable intuition and exude confidence.

  • Dwarven Toughness – Increases Hit Point maximum by one, and further increases by one with each level gained.
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Shield Dwarf

Dwarf Race in Baldur’s Gate 3: A Guide to Traits, Spells, and Best Classes

In the world of Baldur’s Gate 3, the resilient and determined Shield Dwarves have faced many hardships. Wars with goblins and orcs have cost them their ancient kingdoms, leaving them with a touch of cynicism. However, their unwavering spirit drives them to do whatever it takes to restore their ancestral homelands.

When playing as a Shield Dwarf, you benefit from the following traits:

  • Dwarven Armor Proficiencies: You can wear light or medium armor without any disadvantage on your attacks or spellcasting. This gives you the freedom to choose the best armor for your playstyle.

Another unique subrace of Dwarves found in Baldur’s Gate 3 is the Duegar. These Dwarves have been transformed by psionic magic and tormented by Mind Flayers and other Aberrations. They reside in the treacherous realm of the Underdark. Here are their distinct abilities:

  • Darkvision: Grant a creature the ability to see up to 12 meters in complete darkness. This invaluable skill allows you to navigate the darkest corners of the world.
  • Dwarven Resilience: Enjoy advantage on saving throws against poison and resist poison damage. The Duegar’s resilience makes them formidable opponents against toxins.

Notable Traits of Dwarves in Baldur’s Gate 3

  • Dwarven Weapon Proficiencies: Utilize your proficiency bonus when attacking with specific weapons, such as battleaxes, handaxes, light hammers, and warhammers. This ensures that your strikes are accurate and deadly.
  • Dwarven Resilience: Benefit from advantage on saving throws against poison and gain resistance against poison damage. Dwarves are known for their endurance and ability to resist the effects of toxins.
  • Darkvision: See clearly in the darkness up to a range of 18 meters. This innate ability gives you an advantage when exploring dimly lit areas.
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Dwarf Spells and Cantrips in Baldur’s Gate 3

Dwarves in Baldur’s Gate 3 have access to a variety of spells and cantrips. As you progress in your adventures, you can learn and master these magical abilities to enhance your gameplay.

Best Classes for Dwarf Characters in Baldur’s Gate 3

If you’re wondering which class best suits a Dwarf character in Baldur’s Gate 3, consider the following options:

  • Druid: Harness the powers of nature to protect your ancestral lands and unleash unique abilities.
  • Cleric: Embrace your ancestral beliefs and become a divine servant, wielding powerful spells to aid your allies or smite your foes.
  • Fighter: Channel your dwarven strength and resilience into martial prowess, becoming a skilled warrior on the battlefield.
  • Barbarian: Tap into your inner rage and unleash unstoppable fury, smashing through enemies with brute force.

By choosing one of these classes, you can fully embrace your Dwarf character’s strengths and help shape the fate of Baldur’s Gate 3.

When it comes to choosing a class for Dwarf characters in Baldur’s Gate 3, it’s important to consider the subrace you opt for. Regardless of your choice, Dwarves excel in close combat. Gold Dwarves, with their bonuses in constitution and wisdom, along with the Dwarven Toughness trait, are a perfect fit for druids or clerics. On the other hand, Shield Dwarves, with their extra strength and armor proficiency, naturally lean towards the path of a fighter or barbarian.

Top Dwarf backgrounds in Baldur’s Gate 3

The best background for your Dwarf character in Baldur’s Gate 3 depends largely on the class you choose. The backgrounds in the game do not provide any specific proficiency related to constitution. For druids and clerics, Acolyte, Folk Hero, Guild Artisan, or Outlander backgrounds are recommended. Meanwhile, Fighters and Barbarians are better suited for the Outlander or Soldier backgrounds.

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Now you have all the information you need to make an informed decision when creating a Dwarf character in Baldur’s Gate 3. Remember to pair your Dwarf with the right class to maximize the potential of your stout and resilient character. And don’t forget, if the need arises, you can always throw your buddies if they happen to be of similar size!






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