In the treacherous House of Hope, there’s one individual who shows kindness amidst the chaos – Hope herself. However, in order to confront Raphael, it is crucial to free her from captivity in Baldur’s Gate 3. Rest assured, I am here to provide you with a step-by-step solution to ensure her liberation.
Finding Hope in Baldur’s Gate 3
To locate Hope, make your way towards the Outer Portals room within the House of Hope. Once there, take a right before entering and you’ll come across a hatch leading to her prison. Unfortunately, at the beginning, this hatch will be locked. You will need to gather the necessary items from the Archives and the Boudoir before you can proceed down this path.
Embarking on a thrilling adventure in Baldur’s Gate 3? Look no further for tips on how to free Hope from her imprisonment! With this guide, you can bypass unnecessary steps and save precious time.
Instead of searching the Archives and going through the hassle of finding Hope’s true body, you can take a shortcut by jumping down a level. In the same area where the hatch is located, boldly leap over the edge. It’s wise to use Flight on your full party to avoid encountering sentries below. Keep in mind that you’ll need the Orphic Hammer to proceed, so make sure you have it before heading down.
Once you have the Orphic Hammer, freeing Hope in Baldur’s Gate 3 becomes a straightforward task. Take the hammer to her prison and destroy the giant red crystals. To ensure a smooth operation, it is recommended to eliminate all enemies in the vicinity. With the area secured, designate your strongest character to strike the crystals until they turn to dust. Witness as Hope’s true form is restored, and she will join your party for the time being in BG3.
For more gaming tips and tricks, don’t forget to check out our related articles, such as “Baldur’s Gate 3: How to Solve the Counting House Vaults Code (BG3)”. Stay ahead and make the most of your thrilling Baldur’s Gate 3 experience!
If you’re playing the House of Hope in this exciting video game adventure, make sure you have your trusty hammer by your side. But hey, we all make mistakes, and if you find yourself without the hammer, don’t worry! It simply means you either left it behind or didn’t accept Raphael’s deal. No problem, we’ve got a solution for you!
To continue your journey, you’ll need to obtain a pass from the Archivist to enter the Boudoir. Once you have the pass, head back to the Boudoir and speak to Haarlep to collect a safe key. The next step is to locate a painting on the northwest side of the room and move it aside.
Guess what you’ll find underneath? It’s none other than a safe containing the coveted Orphic Hammer and the password for your contract. Now that you’re armed and ready, head straight to the prison and liberate Hope from her chains in BG3.
Now that the House of Hope is behind you, it’s time to make another crucial decision in Baldur’s Gate 3. Should you free Orpheus or not? Make sure to weigh your options carefully before wielding that mighty hammer again!
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