how to get bump in the night lightfall

How to Get Bump in the Night Lightfall: Mastering God Roll and Exploring Daphne Fama’s Contribution

There’s something truly satisfying about the explosive power of rocket launchers. These weapons can create massive booms, destroying enemies and taking down boss health bars with a single shot. However, not all rocket launchers are created equal, and one that stands out from the rest is Bump in the Night. Let’s dive into how you can obtain Bump in the Night and its highly coveted God Roll in Destiny 2.

Bump in the Night is an Aggressive-Frame Legendary Stasis Rocket Launcher that was introduced during the Season of the Haunted. Since its release, it has proven itself to be one of the top choices, especially when paired with an Exotic weapon in your Kinetic or Energy slot.

However, obtaining Bump in the Night has become more challenging in recent times. Originally available through Nightmare Containments on the Derelict Leviathan, the retirement of this location has left players wondering where else they can find it.

As of March 2023, it appears that the only way to acquire this rocket launcher is by keeping an eye out for Xur. Every week, Xur offers a selection of Legendary armor pieces and weapons, including items that are typically difficult to obtain. Sadly, these weapons do not come with random rolls, so you’ll have to make do with whatever Xur has available.

Fortunately, Bump in the Night has a range of decent perks, making this limitation less of a deal breaker. That being said, there is a specific roll that you should keep an eye out for.

God Roll for Bump in the Night

Given its Aggressive Frame and lack of tracking, Bump in the Night is better suited for PvE activities rather than PvP. In fact, it can outperform even a God Rolled Palmyra-B against stationary targets such as bosses.

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With that in mind, the ideal God Roll for Bump in the Night, especially for a Starfire Protocol Warlock, includes the following:

  • Basic Launcher Barrel → Quick Launch: This barrel mod provides a +10 increase in velocity and a +15 boost in handling.
  • Basic Magazine → Impact Casing: Impact Casing adds +10 stability to the rocket launcher.
  • Basic Trait 1 → Demolitionist: Kills with this weapon generate grenade energy, and activating your grenade ability reloads the weapon from reserves.
  • Basic Trait 2 → Chill Clip: Direct hits with the top half of the magazine cause a detonation that slows nearby targets. Additionally, while above 50% of the magazine, direct hits cause a Stasis burst, applying 50 Slow for 4 seconds to enemies within 4 meters.

If you’re an avid Destiny 2 player, you know that keeping up with the latest and rarest weapons is the key to success. While Bump in the Night may soon become easier to obtain, why not explore another exceptional weapon in the meantime? Introducing the Throne-Cleaver, a powerful weapon with immense potential in Destiny 2.






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