lobby board members starfield

Starfield Board Members: Advocacy Strategies for Influential Lobbying

Congratulations on reaching the top of the corporate ladder and earning the trust of the higher-ups! Now that you have the power, it’s time to wield it responsibly. In the Executive Level mission of Starfield, influencing the board members is crucial. If you’re looking for guidance on how to sway them, here are some useful tips.

In this mission, there are three key points that require your persuasive skills — Ularu’s appointment as the CEO, the acquisition of Infinity LTD, and the future of the Internal Neuroamp. Your first step is to engage in conversations with each board member to gauge their stance on these matters. Once you have a grasp on their opinions, it’s essential to ensure their alignment with your perspective.

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Once you have discussed Ularu’s intentions for the company, the next step is to approach the other five members of the Ryujin board and sway them to align with your perspective. To achieve this, you have two options: manipulation using your Internal Neuroamp or persuasion.

The board makes decisions through voting, so your goal is to ensure that the majority of votes are in favor of your desired outcome. However, if you’re opposing Masako, remember that as the CEO, her vote holds the power in case of a tie. Thus, you’ll need to secure more than enough votes to override her decision.

Depending on the stance you take, some board members may not require much persuasion. Keep in mind that most of them are pro-Neuroamp, so if your objective is to abolish it, you’ll face significant opposition. Conversely, if you aim to appoint Ularu as CEO, there will be more board members against it. Therefore, it’s crucial to make your position clear and assert your thoughts before the meeting.

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The decision on Infinity LTD will likely be more evenly divided. To tilt the votes in your favor, you can utilize your Internal Neuroamp to persuade the board members. However, if you prefer not to use the Neuroamp, your success will rely on the power of persuasive argumentation.

What Should You Lobby the Board to Vote For?

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When it comes to the choices you make in Starfield’s Executive Level mission, the impact on your overall game may not be significant. This gives you the freedom to manipulate the situations and characters according to your preference. If you were a fan of Masako and disliked Ularu’s plan to overthrow her, you have the power to make Ularu appear foolish in front of everyone and rally the board to support Masako.

If you have moral concerns about the Internal Neuroamp, you can sway the board members to abandon Project Dominion and prevent its release. On the other hand, if you see no issues with the technology, you can influence the vote to continue its implementation without any hindrances.

As for Infinity LTD, even after all the espionage and deceit, you may still choose to acquire the company and ensure the employees retain their jobs. By orchestrating a unanimous vote for the acquisition, the board meeting can be swift and uneventful.

In my personal choice, despite the dark and treacherous quest line, I couldn’t bear to let Ularu take control of the company. The hardworking employees of Infinity LTD deserve better, so I voted for their absorption by Ryujin. And as for the Neuroamp…well, I successfully convinced the board to side with me, didn’t I?

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That wraps up the strategies for lobbying the Ryujin board in the Executive Level mission of Starfield. Although this marks the end of the main Ryujin storyline, your efforts will be rewarded with an office equipped with a mission board, allowing you to continue your work for Ryujin with newfound respect. If you seek a more straightforward path, you might consider joining the Freestar Rangers instead.

About the author

Nick Rivera

Nick Rivera graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in 2021, majoring in Digital Media. He joined Twinfinite as a Freelance Writer in early 2023. Nick enjoys playing a wide range of games, from Halo to Stardew Valley to Peggle, but is always captivated by a compelling narrative.






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