orisa counters

Orisa Counters: Navigating the Best Characters to Use Against Orisa in Overwatch 2

In Overwatch 2, choosing the right character is crucial not only for enjoying the game but also for countering opponents effectively. The same is true for countering Orisa, a formidable tank character. Playing a character that can counter Orisa is essential for turning the tide of battle in your favor. While heroes from the support category aren’t designed to take on Orisa head-on, they can assist in dealing with her and helping the team take her down swiftly. Here are some of the best characters to counter Orisa in Overwatch 2:

Tank Characters

  • One of the easiest tanks to counter Orisa, can effectively shut her down. With her Defense Matrix ability, she can nullify all of Orisa’s attacks. Additionally,’s Boosters allow her to dodge Orisa’s Terra Surge ability. Unless the enemy team has characters specifically countering, she is your best choice to counter Orisa.
  • Zarya: Another great tank option against Orisa is Zarya. Her protective barriers can absorb a significant amount of Orisa’s firepower, while her beam can penetrate Orisa’s barrier. Moreover, Zarya can use her barriers to save teammates from Terra Surge, potentially preventing multiple deaths. She is a reliable choice for taking down Orisa.

Damage Characters

  • Reaper: The close-range powerhouse, Reaper, can devastate Orisa. Despite her Fortify ability to withstand damage, Reaper’s shotguns can still deal substantial damage. Additionally, Reaper’s Wraith Form allows him to easily escape Orisa’s Terra Surge. His role as a tank killer makes him an ideal choice against Orisa.
  • Pharah: A skilled Pharah can easily counter Orisa. Her long-range attacks negate Orisa’s effectiveness, and it is challenging for Orisa to hit Pharah with her Javelin ability from a distance. As long as Pharah maintains her distance, Orisa should pose no significant threat.
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Support Characters

  • Kiriko: This nimble support hero has abilities that can help her and her teammates evade Orisa’s grasp. Kiriko’s Swift Step allows her to swiftly escape, especially if she has a team to retreat with. Moreover, her Protection Suzu ability can nullify Orisa’s ultimate, providing a tactical advantage.
  • Baptiste: The Haitian support hero, Baptiste, can excel in countering Orisa. His primary weapon allows him to maintain a safe distance from her, and his Immortality Field renders Orisa’s Terra Surge useless. By deploying the Immortality Field, Baptiste can effectively prevent any team members from dying. This simple strategy makes Baptiste a formidable opponent for Orisa.

While other characters can also perform well against Orisa, these six options provide a strong starting point and should greatly facilitate dealing with her. Remember to assess the situation appropriately, and you will have a great chance of succeeding in countering Orisa in Overwatch 2.






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