starfield polymer location

Discovering Starfield Polymer Location: The Ultimate Guide to Finding, Buying, and Harvesting Polymer

Are you searching for polymer in the exciting world of Starfield? This elusive organic resource can be quite challenging to find, unless you know where to look. As one of the essential materials for numerous important upgrades, stocking up on polymer is crucial. Fortunately, I’m here to guide you on how to obtain polymer in Starfield.

Within the vast universe of over 1000 Starfield planets, there is a wide variety of materials and resources, and polymer is among the trickier ones to locate. While adhesive is already a rare material, polymer’s exotic status makes it even more valuable in this space game. Let’s dive into the details of finding polymer in Starfield.

Where to find polymer in Starfield

There are three methods for obtaining polymer in Starfield: buying it, harvesting it, or looting it. However, one method stands out as the most reliable.

Buying Polymer

The easiest way to acquire a substantial amount of polymer is by using your hard-earned Starfield credits. While some might argue that it’s more satisfying to earn the polymer through hard work, trust me, polymer is too scarce to justify spending excessive effort hunting for it. Instead, you can simply purchase as much polymer as you need for just 20 credits each.

Keep in mind that polymer has a weight of 0.5 mass, so after some time, you’ll need to either store your purchases in your ship’s cargo hold or offload them to your trusted companion. If the vendor you usually buy from runs out of stock, don’t fret. Simply find a nearby bench and wait for 24 hours. The best vendors for buying polymer are those who specialize in selling resources. In the early stages of the game, you can visit Jemison Mercantile or UC Distribution Center in New Atlantis, or UC Exchange in Cydonia.

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Harvesting and Looting Polymer

Although it is possible to acquire polymer through harvesting and looting, I must warn you that this method is time-consuming. Due to its exotic nature, finding polymer can be a lengthy and arduous process. If you’re determined to hunt it down, start scanning the flora and fauna on planets that support life. Eventually, you will stumble upon it. One confirmed location where you can find polymer is on planet Muphrid IV in the Muphrid system. This planet is located directly north of Kryx and southwest of Arcturus. Hunt down Clawback Herbivore creatures on this planet, and you should be able to obtain polymer by looting them.

There is also a possibility of finding polymer while looting enemies and exploring your surroundings. However, this method is far less reliable, so it’s not advisable to solely rely on it for acquiring sufficient amounts of polymer.

So there you have it – the different methods of obtaining polymer in Starfield. Whether you choose to buy it or embark on the adventure of harvesting and looting, I hope this guide helps you in your quest for this valuable resource. May your Starfield journey be filled with epic discoveries!

Now that you’re well-versed in polymer, let’s dive into another exciting topic – completing the Starfield Mantis puzzle. This side quest is truly one of the best and can be tackled early in the game. And that’s not all! We also have a comprehensive guide on all the Starfield companions. Discover who the perfect travel companion is for your interstellar adventures.

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