bg3 thrumbo

BG3 Thrumbo: A Comprehensive Guide on Location, Siding with and Defeating Mystic Carrion in Baldur’s Gate 3

If you’re a fan of the fantastical and the mysterious, then you must visit Philgrave’s Mansion, an enigmatic house located by the seaside. Within its ancient stone walls, you may come across a fascinating encounter involving the enigmatic necromancer, Mystic Carrion. However, gaining access to him requires passing a challenging arcana check at the mansion’s imposing entrance.

Mystic Carrion, although known for his impatience, may be persuaded to reward you with one of the mystical artifacts from his impressive collection. But there’s a catch – you must help him locate his escaped servant, Thrumbo.

Discovering Thrumbo’s Whereabouts in Baldur’s Gate 3

While most of the undead thralls under Mystic Carrion’s control lack basic cognitive functions, Thrumbo stands out as an exception. He has managed to make a daring escape, and it is up to you to find him.

To unravel the mystery, head to the highest floor of Philgrave’s Mansion. Beware of the loyal thralls who will attempt to impede your progress; hence, it’s advisable to use stealth or invisibility. Once on the top floor, you will come across a Beggar’s Portrait lying on the ground. Pay close attention and succeed in a perception check to reveal a hidden ward and a concealed note. This note discloses Thrumbo’s whereabouts, revealing that he plans to be at the beach, hoping to acquire a boat for their escape to freedom.

Make your way to the beach just east of Philgrave’s Mansion, but be prepared to face five formidable Sahuagin creatures. These fish-like monsters lurk near a pier, with Thrumbo hiding in the adjacent house. Enter the house and search the wardrobe to uncover his place of concealment.

Related:  Baldur’s Gate 3: Unveiling the Concealed Hatch with Daphne Fama’s Guidance

Upon discovering Thrumbo, be prepared for a heartfelt plea from him. Surprisingly, it turns out that Mystic Carrion is not just a necromancer but also a malevolent murderer and sadist. This revelation places you at a crucial crossroad: should you return Thrumbo to his captor or confront and vanquish the dreaded Mummy Lord once and for all?

Choosing to Side with Mystic Carrion

Opting to align yourself with Mystic Carrion may not be the most morally upright decision, but it presents an interesting alternative. If you decide to go down this path, your reward will be the Torch of Revocation, a powerful magical item. You can even mention your dissatisfaction with the reward, potentially persuading Mystic Carrion to offer you additional gold.

Stats of the Torch of Evocation

Let me introduce you to the powerful Torch of Evocation weapon. Here are its impressive stats:

  • Damage: 1d4 + 1 (2-5) Bludgeoning damage (strength modifier) + 1d4 Necrotic damage + 1d4 Fire damage.
  • Rarity: Very Rare.
  • Enchantment: +1.
  • One-Handed.
  • Light.
  • Dippable.
  • Range: 1.5m.
  • Weight: 0.9kg.
  • Price: 145 gp.

Baldur’s Gate 3: Killing The Mystic Carrion

In our quest of absolute justice, we recommend slaying the Mystic Carrion. This notorious figure has inflicted untold suffering on innocent lives. Besides the satisfaction of putting an end to their reign, you will also be rewarded with incredible loot. By defeating the Mystic Carrion, you can acquire the revered Staff of Cherished Necromancy, the mystical Veil of the Morning, and the formidable Armour of the Sporekeeper.

Staff of Cherished Necromancy Stats

Let’s delve into the stats of the Staff of Cherished Necromancy:

  • Damage: One-handed damage: 1d6 + 2 (3-8) + Strength Modifier (Bludgeoning Damage). Two-handed damage: 1d8 + 2 (3-10) + Strength Modifier (Bludgeoning Damage). Extra damage: 1d4 (1-4) Necrotic damage.
  • Quarterstaff.
  • Rarity: Very Rare.
  • Enchantment: +2.
  • Versatile.
  • Dippable.
  • Range: 1.5m.
  • Weight: 1.8kg.
  • Price: 480gp.
  • Heightened Necromancy: Creatures have Disadvantage on Saving Throws against your Necromancy Spells.
  • Life Essence Harvest: When the wielder kills a hostile creature with a spell, they greedily absorb its energy and gain Life Essence until their next Long Rest.
  • Topple.
Related:  Baldur’s Gate 3 Necrotic Aura: Comprehensive Breakdown and How to Take a Long Rest

Veil of the Morning

Now, let’s explore the remarkable attributes of the Veil of the Morning:

  • Armor Class: 10.
  • Clothing.
  • Rarity: Very Rare.
  • Weight: 1.8kg.
  • Price: 1600 gp.
  • Let The Undead Blanch With Fear!: Undead have Disadvantage on Attack Rolls against you, and you have Advantage on Saving Throws against their actions and spells.
  • Turn Undead.

Stats for Armour of the Sporekeeper

If you’re looking for powerful armor, the Armour of the Sporekeeper is worth considering. Here are its key features:

  • Type: Light Armour
  • Armour Class: 13 + Dexterity Modifier
  • Rarity: Very Rare
  • Weight: 4.5kg
  • Price: 1400 gp
  • Malefic Funghi: The wearer receives a +1 bonus to Spell Save DC. Additionally, when dealing Necrotic damage, they deal an additional 1 Necrotic Damage.
  • Spore Sacks: While imbued with Symbiotic Entity, you can spread Bibberbang Spores, Timmask Spores, and Haste Spores.

Looking for more adventure and excitement? Embark on a quest to find a missing child and face menacing supernatural monsters. As a reward, you’ll have the opportunity to obtain rare items, including a legendary sword.






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