starfield executive assistant application

Starfield Executive Assistant Application: How to Delete and Insights on Madison Benson

Are you playing the Red Tape Blues quest line in Starfield and wondering about the correct answers for the Executive Assistant job application questionnaire? Look no further! We’ve got you covered with a complete list of every question and answer for this quest.

During the Red Tape Blues quest, you will need to answer seven Executive Assistant application questions. Here is a breakdown of each question and its corresponding answer:

  • Question 1: How many years of experience do you have as an executive, administrative, or other corporate assistant? Answer: 5-10 years.
  • Question 2: What is the highest level of education you have completed? Answer: Bachelor’s Degree.
  • Question 3: The Executive wants you to bring them a “whiskey, neat.” What does that mean? Answer: About 43 ml shot of whiskey, served in a glass at room temperature.
  • Question 4: A VIP arrives at the office for a meeting with the Executive, who is inexplicably running late. What should you do? Answer: Offer drinks, apologize, and assure the VIP that the Executive will return soon.
  • Question 5: A malfunction prevents the Executive’s starship from starting up, and they need to go to an important offworld meeting soon. What course of action do you take? Answer: Use the company credits to immediately charter an expensive luxury craft.
  • Question 6: While handling the Executive’s email, you come across a message from someone claiming to have damaging information about the Executive. What should you do? Answer: Take the information to the board of directors so they can handle it.
  • Question 7: The Executive contacts you and asks you to see them in their office in the middle of the night. You can tell they are drunk. What do you do? Answer: Contact security and let them deal with it.
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Once you have answered all seven questions, submit your Executive Assistant application and proceed to tell Trevor about it to advance to the next part of the quest.

Deleting Executive Assistant Applications in Starfield

After speaking to Trevor again, he will ask you to hack into Tia’s work computer in Cydonia to delete every other application submission. If you want to read your own application, make sure to wait until Tia is no longer present at her computer. It is recommended to check around 5-6 PM in-game time to ensure she is gone. Interact with the computer and delete all applications except your own. Afterwards, return to Trevor and continue with the quest.

It is important to note that the outcome of the quest does not change based on your answers to the application questions. However, your application feedback will vary depending on your score. When accessing Tia’s computer and reviewing each application, you will see feedback responses such as lack of experience, being overqualified, or fumbling on questions.

So don’t worry too much about getting the “right” answers – just have fun and enjoy the quest!

If you’re a gaming enthusiast, you’ll be thrilled to know that Starfield, the highly anticipated game, is available on both PC and Xbox Series X|S. To enhance your gaming experience, make sure to check out the Starfield DLSS Mod. This modification will take your gameplay to the next level. Additionally, you can explore our extensive collection of articles about Starfield by clicking on the game tag below.

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