starfield left behind

Starfield Left Behind: An In-depth Walkthrough for Locating and Guiding the Missing Colonist

If you’re a fan of exploring the vast universe in Starfield, then you’ll be excited to know that it can be a rewarding experience. Besides discovering precious ores and encountering new alien life, there are also hidden missions waiting to be found. One such mission that adds an element of randomness is the Left Behind mission. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to complete the Left Behind mission in Starfield.

Starfield Left Behind Mission Guide

Firstly, it’s important to note that the Left Behind mission in Starfield can vary in location from playthrough to playthrough. While I encountered the mission on Deimos during my initial playthrough, it was available on the planet Jemison in the Alpha Centauri system during my second run. Due to this variability, we’ll provide general guidance rather than specific location details. Now, let’s dive in!

Step 1: Speak to the Colonist

The first step in the Left Behind mission is to find and speak to a colonist. This can be a colonist on the current planet you’re exploring or in a nearby settlement. Engage in conversation with the colonist to receive more information about the mission and any further instructions.

Embark on this brave mission by conversing with one of the valiant colonists residing in the settlement. They eagerly seek your assistance after a tumultuous storm hit, forcing everyone to seek shelter within the outpost. However, one brave soul didn’t make it back, and the group is determined to find their lost comrade and bring them safely home.

But before venturing into the unknown, make sure you equip yourself with a trusty Med Pack. Its importance will become apparent during your expedition.

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Embarking on the Search

Have you checked your Surface Map recently? There should be a newly marked cave waiting to be explored. Make your way towards it, keeping an eye out for any potential hazards. If you’re fortunate enough to have Jemison on your side, you might only have to deal with the occasional hostile bird. However, places like Deimos can pose greater threats, so stay cautious.

Discover the Missing Colonist in the Cave

As you enter the cave, keep your eyes peeled for the missing colonist. They might be near the cave entrance or even up on a ledge deeper inside. Unfortunately, I can’t give you precise directions as their location is random. Once you locate the colonist, it’s crucial to provide them with a Med Pack to stabilize their condition.

Guide the Colonist Safely Back to the Settlement

When it’s time to bring the colonists back to safety after ensuring their stability, don’t waste your time walking all the way back. Who has time for that? Instead, take advantage of the fast-travel feature on your Mac and zip back to the settlement in an instant. Once you’ve arrived, make sure to speak to the same colonist who initiated the mission. They’ll be overjoyed to have their fellow colonist returned safely, and they’ll reward you with a generous 4,000 Credits and 150 XP. It’s definitely a trip worth taking!

If you’re looking for assistance with other side missions, be sure to check out our comprehensive guide on how to complete Overdesigned in Starfield. We’ve got you covered.

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