the hammer falls starfield

Journey Through Starfield: The Hammer Falls Mission, Choices, and All You Need to Know

Prepare for an epic conclusion to Starfield’s Freestar Collective storyline. After numerous thrilling encounters, where you effortlessly took down mercenary groups like a true hero, the truth has finally been revealed. The mastermind behind the attacks on the farms is none other than Ron Hope, the leader of HopeTown. It’s time to bring this investigation to a close. Here’s a step-by-step walkthrough on how to complete The Hammer Falls mission in Starfield.

Follow these steps to successfully complete The Hammer Falls mission:

Step 1: Complete the Freestar Collective Missions

In order to access The Hammer Falls mission, you’ll need to complete almost every mission in the Freestar Collective mission line. This includes thoroughly investigating the farm attacks, establishing contact with two First Cavalry members, and decrypting multiple Encrypted Slates.

Step 2: Finish the Previous Freestar Collective Missions

Prior to The Hammer Falls, there are seven other Freestar Collective missions that must be completed. Make sure you’ve successfully finished the following missions:

  • Job Gone Wrong
  • Deputized
  • Where Hope is Built
  • Shadows in Neon
  • Surgical Strike
  • On the Run
  • First to Fight, First to Die

Step 3: Confront Ron Hope in HopeTown

To embark on this thrilling journey, head over to the enchanting Valo system on the planet of Polvo and make your way to the captivating town of HopeTown. Once you touch down, brace yourself for an adventure as you step inside the main factory floor and search for the elusive Ron. As luck would have it, you’ll spot him extolling the virtues of his commendable worker, Birgit, who has exceeded some ambitious quotas he set for her.

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Approach Ron and confront him with the knowledge that he ordered the destructive hits on the local farms. Predictably, he will vehemently deny any involvement, citing Paxton’s court-martial as evidence against his guilt. But fear not, for you come prepared with undeniable proof – the slate. Displaying the evidence will force Ron to confess his misdeeds and face the consequences.

Now, let’s delve into Ron’s twisted reasoning behind these reprehensible actions. HopeTech, the company he represents, was struggling to keep up with its fierce competitors in the industry. So, Ron took it upon himself to diversify the research team and explore the realm of crops. Unfortunately, the initial experiments with experimental fertilizer resulted in crop destruction. Just as Ron was about to abandon the project, the fertilizers revealed unexpected and highly lucrative effects. With greed driving his plans, Ron decided to donate the fertilizer, eradicate the existing farms, and harvest the enriched soil. This nefarious scheme led him to hire the First, not with the intention to harm anyone, but to eliminate potential witnesses – stubborn farmers who refused to abandon their lands.

At this pivotal moment, Birgit, shocked by Ron’s despicable acts, voices her disbelief. True to his villainous nature, Ron reacts in a manner befitting his character. And now, it’s your turn to make a choice. Ron presents you with two options: he offers to call off the operation and restore the land to its rightful owners, providing you with a handsome financial reward in exchange for your silence. Alternatively, you can decide to end his life, bringing him to the justice he deserves. Choosing the path of seeking justice will lead you to faced with the same choices.

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Should You Spare or Kill Ron Hope?

From my perspective, the decision is clear – Ron must face the consequences of his actions. While the hefty sum he offers in return for your silence may be tempting, allowing someone responsible for the deaths of innocent farmers to walk away is utterly appalling. It’s a matter of 20,000 Credits (or 50,000 if you choose to negotiate) versus ensuring justice is served, and personally, I’d choose the righteous path without hesitation. If you crave a more in-depth analysis of the implications of this choice, be sure to check out our detailed article on the moral quandary of sparing or killing Ron Hope.

An Encounter with Birgit McDougall

If you decide to eliminate Ron Hope, make sure to have a conversation with Birgit immediately afterwards. She will undoubtedly be taken aback by his actions, as Ron was known for being supportive of his team. Despite her confusion, Birgit will express her sorrow over the situation. Fortunately, there is a capable second-in-command, Elana Nwanko, who can step up and fill the void left by Ron. Based on initial impressions, Elana appears to be competent, so the transition should go smoothly.

Seek Guidance from Marshal Blake

Embark on an exciting journey back to Akila City in the captivating world of Starfield. As you return, make your way to The Rock and seek out the esteemed Marshal Blake. Share with him the thrilling events that unfolded at the mech factory involving Paxton and Ron Hope of HopeTech. Brace yourself for his astonishment, although Emma, ever composed, remains unfazed by the revelations.

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Despite the potential repercussions on the Collective, the Marshal’s primary concern if you eliminated Ron Hope is how it might impact the organization. Emma, on the other hand, appears confident that any damage caused will be temporary.

But fear not! There is a silver lining to this tumultuous tale. Both the Marshal and Emma have officially approved your promotion from Deputy to a full-fledged Ranger! In addition to receiving a prestigious new badge and some unique albeit mostly decorative gear, you will be rewarded with Credits and an impressive Star Eagle ship as well. Congratulations on successfully completing the riveting Freestar Collective mission line in Starfield!

If you’re eager to explore further faction missions, why not dive into our comprehensive guide on how to complete the thrilling Deep Cover mission line in Starfield?






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