baldurs gate 3 weapons

Baldur’s Gate 3 Weapons Guide: Locations, Stats, and Unique Features

Are you ready to conquer the world of Baldur’s Gate 3? Choosing the right weapons for your team is crucial for success in this epic Dungeons and Dragons adventure. From daggers to battleaxes, the variety of weapons in the game is vast, each with its own unique features and abilities.

Depending on the class composition of your party, different factors come into play when determining the best weapons. Some offer enhanced damage output, while others come with special weapon skills. To help you on your journey, we’ve compiled a list of the top picks for the best weapons in Baldur’s Gate 3, along with their locations, so you can acquire them quickly.

  • Sorrow: This enchanted glaive offers decent damage and all the major glaive actions. It also grants you the Ensnaring Strike conjuration spell, which summons thorny vines to ensnare your target. Keep in mind that using this weapon inflicts one point of psychic damage to your character whenever they deal damage.
  • Sword of Justice: A regular enchanted Greatsword with a twist. It deals impressive slashing damage and comes with the Tyr’s Protection abjuration spell. This spell boosts the target’s armor class by two, providing a significant advantage in battle.
  • The Joltshooter: This two-handed ranged bow packs a punch, dealing piercing damage from a distance. Notably, it grants you two lightning charges each time you hit your target. Exploit these charges to unleash devastating attacks.

While most weapons in Baldur’s Gate 3 are standard and don’t offer any special abilities, these exceptional weapons can turn the tide of battle in your favor. Each weapon has its own proficiency requirement, so choose wisely to make the most of your character’s skills.

As you embark on your quest, never underestimate the power of a well-chosen weapon. Whether you’re braving dangerous dungeons or venturing into uncharted territories, these top-tier weapons will pave your way to victory in Baldur’s Gate 3.

The Sparky Points

The Sparky Points is an electrifying melee weapon that grants you lightning charges. Similar to the Joltshooter, this weapon delivers a stunning blow with a base damage of either 1d6 piercing when wielded one-handed, or 1d8 piercing when wielded two-handed. With a range of 1.5 meters, it offers excellent reach, comparable to a trident.

The Spellsparkler

If you’re looking for a weapon that combines the power of spells and lightning, the Spellsparkler is a perfect choice. Whenever you deal damage with a spell or cantrip, this weapon rewards you with two lightning charges. It’s a great way to amplify your spellcasting abilities while inflicting electrifying damage.

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Pale Oak

Don’t be fooled by its unassuming appearance, the Pale Oak quarterstaff boasts impressive perks. With Faithwarden’s Stride, you are immune to being ensnared by Duridic vines, and they won’t hinder your movement as difficult terrain. The Faithwarden’s Vines ability is also at your disposal, allowing you to entangle any enemy immobilizing creatures. It’s a versatile weapon for those who seek control on the battlefield.

Staff of Crones

The Staff of Crones is a notable quarterstaff that grants you access to the Ray of Sickness spell, a level 1 necromancy spell. This potent spell poisons enemies for two turns, dealing 2D8 poison damage unless they succeed in a constitution save. Despite requiring an action to use, this staff packs a punch and can be a game-changer in combat.

Sickle of Boooal

The Sickle of Boooal is a formidable weapon that requires some training to wield effectively. With 2d4 slashing damage, it surpasses the standard 1d4 damage of a regular sickle. Its increased damage potential makes it a valuable choice, potentially dealing more damage overall compared to the Sussur Sickle’s 1d4+1 slashing damage.

Discover the Locations of All Rare Weapons in Baldur’s Gate 3

If you’re a fan of collecting powerful and extraordinary weapons in Baldur’s Gate 3, you’re in for a treat. From completing quests to exploring dungeons, there are various ways to acquire these fantastic pieces of gear. Let’s dive into the exciting world of rare weapons:

  • Adamantine Longsword: Craft this versatile melee weapon at Grymforge during the quest “The Adamantine Forge” using the Longsword Mould and Mithral Ore.
  • Adamantine Mace: Forge this melee weapon at Grymforge during “The Adamantine Forge” quest by combining the Mace Mould and Mithral Ore.
  • Adamantine Scimitar: Create this melee weapon at Grymforge during “The Adamantine Forge” quest by utilizing the Scimitar Mould and Mithral Ore.
  • Giantbreaker: Help the Zhentarim locate their missing equipment and then talk to Brem, who will make this heavy crossbow available at his shop.
  • The Joltshooter: As a reward for completing “Rescue the Grand Duke,” choose this weapon in Waukeen’s Rest. You have three weapon options, so choose wisely!
  • Mourning Frost: Combine the Icy Crystal, Icy Metal, and Icy Helve found in the Underdark to create this weapon. Defeat Filro the Forgotten, retrieve the Icy Crystal, and find the Icy Metal inside the Myconid colony’s vault. Defeat Dhourn after slaying the spectator west of the Underdark Fort.
  • Pale Oak: Investigate Kagha in Druid Grove as a Druid and spare her before encountering Halsin to obtain this weapon.
  • Shattered Flail: Defeat Flind (Gnoll Leader) in The Risen Road to get your hands on this powerful weapon.
  • Sickle of Boooal: Find this weapon inside the Festering Cove in the Underdark or acquire it through various other means like buying, stealing, or looting from Pooldrip the Zealous.
  • Sorrow: Access a hidden vault using the Rune of the Wolf. You can steal this rune from Rath in Druid Grove or receive it as a reward for rescuing Halsin. Complete the side quest involving Arabella to unlock this vault.
  • The Sparky Points: Choose this weapon as a reward for completing “Rescue the Grand Duke” in Waukeen’s Rest. Remember, you can only select one of the three weapons.
  • The Spellsparkler: Obtain this weapon as a reward for completing “Rescue the Grand Duke” in Waukeen’s Rest. You can only choose one of the three weapons.
  • Staff of Crones: Discover this weapon inside the Hag treasure room in the Sunlit Wetlands.
  • Sword of Justice: Receive this weapon as a quest reward for “Hunt the Devil” from Anders at The Risen Road.
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Stats for Baldur’s Gate 3 Rare Weapons

Weapon Type Proficiency Damage type Bonuses
Adamantine Longsword Versatile (melee) Martial 1d8 slashing (one-hand)
1d10 slashing (two-hands)
Versatile Hitter – Sends the target reeling for one turn if hit with one hand or two turns if hit with both hands.
Adamantine Mace Melee Simple 1d6 bludgeoning Swift Hitter – Sends the target reeling for one turn.
Adamantine Scimitar Melee Martial 1d6 slashing Swift Hitter – Sends the target reeling for one turn.
Giantbreaker Two-handed ranged Martial 1d10 piercing Heavy Hitter – Sends the target reeling for two turns.
The Joltshooter Two-handed ranged Martial 1d8+2 piercing Electric Blood – When the wielder deals damage using this weapon, they gain two lightning charges.
Mourning Frost Versatile (melee) Martial 1d6 bludgeoning (one-hand)
1d8 bludgeoning (two-hands)
Heart of Ice – When you cast a spell or cantrip on an enemy, inflict Frostbite ailment for one turn. When enemies take cold damage, they take an additional point of cold damage per turn of Frostbite remaining.
Pale Oak Versatile (melee) Simple 1d6 bludgeoning (one-hand)
1d8 bludgeoning (two-hands)
Gives Faithwarden’s Vines and Faithwarden’s Stride – Druidic vines cannot ensnare you and do not count as difficult terrain.
Shattered Flail Melee Simple 1d6+2 bludgeoning Yeenoghu’s Gift – Dealing damage with this weapon heals the wielder for 1d6 hit points and instills them with an insatiable hunger. They go mad if they don’t deal damage each turn.
Sickle of Boooal Melee Simple 2d4 slashing N/A
Sorrow Two-handed melee Martial 1d10+1 slashing Gives Ensnaring Strike
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In the world of Baldur’s Gate 3, powerful weapons can make all the difference in battle. Let’s take a look at some of the best weapons currently available.

Staff of Crones

This versatile, simple weapon deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage when wielded with one hand, or 1d8 bludgeoning damage when wielded with two hands. But be warned, the wielder of this staff will take one psychic damage whenever they deal damage using it. However, it does come with the benefit of granting the ability to cast Ray of Sickness.

Sword of Justice

This two-handed melee weapon is a force to be reckoned with. It deals 2d6+1 slashing damage, making it a formidable weapon in combat. In addition to its raw power, it also grants the wielder Tyr’s Protection, enhancing their defensive capabilities.

The Sparky Points

As a versatile martial weapon, The Sparky Points can be wielded with one hand to deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage or two hands for 1d8 bludgeoning damage. But what sets this weapon apart is its Electric Blood ability. Whenever the wielder deals damage using The Sparky Points, they gain two lightning charges, granting them additional power.

The Spellsparkler

Similar to The Sparky Points, The Spellsparkler is a versatile martial weapon dealing 1d6 bludgeoning damage when wielded with one hand, or 1d8 bludgeoning damage when wielded with two hands. However, its unique ability, Electric Veins, triggers when the wielder deals damage with a spell or cantrip, granting them two lightning charges.

These are just a few of the exceptional weapons you can find in Baldur’s Gate 3. However, we’re confident that there are even more legendary gear waiting to be discovered and earned through challenging quests or clever exploration. Keep an eye out for our upcoming Baldur’s Gate 3 review, where we’ll delve more into the world of this captivating game. And remember, building a well-rounded party with carefully chosen races and feats is just as important as choosing the right weapons. Don’t forget to consult our Baldur’s Gate 3 quest list as you embark on your grand adventure!






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