bg3 underwater prison

Discovering BG3 Underwater Prison: Journey to the Iron Throne & Insights from Baldur’s Gate

Baldur’s Gate 3 is an incredibly immersive RPG game that delights in presenting players with both challenging puzzles and exhilarating combat scenarios. Among these trials, one particularly daunting task stands out – a daring rescue mission at the Iron Throne, an underwater prison. Successfully saving several prisoners from this treacherous fortress is not only a remarkable achievement but also crucial for the progression of various late-game quests.

For those unfamiliar with the Iron Throne and unsure of how to navigate their way there in Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3), fret not! Our comprehensive guide will provide all the information you need to not only locate this formidable prison but also devise an effective strategy to rescue the prisoners and secure your escape.

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Discover the Thrilling Underwater Prison, the Iron Throne

The Iron Throne, an imposing underwater prison, is the stronghold of the cunning Lord Enver Gortash. This barbaric fortress is not only used to capture individuals who displease him but also serves as a means to further his sinister ambitions. He has coerced the Gondians, a once peaceful people, into building an army called the Steel Watch. To ensure their compliance and efficiency, their families have been imprisoned as well. However, among the captives lies Duke Ravengard and an enigmatic Mindflayer named Omeelum.

If you are brave enough to undertake the daunting task of their rescue, you will need a submarine to reach the Iron Throne. Begin your journey by making your way to the docks and locating a warehouse known as Flymm’s Cargo. Stay alert as you navigate past the Wargs, who serve as guards. Once inside, head towards the northwest corner of the room where you will find some boxes. Beneath them lies a hidden hatch that will lead you to a secret basement.

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Navigate through the basement until you reach a point where you can turn left. From there, continue forward, and soon you will arrive at the submarine dock. Look for Redhammer the Deviser, an indispensable ally, and ask him to transport you to the Iron Throne.

Though it initially appears as though your mission will involve subtle infiltration, it quickly becomes apparent that Lord Gortash is aware of your presence. He menacingly threatens to detonate the prison if you refuse to comply and leave. Ignoring his warning initiates a foreboding self-destruct sequence, signaling the start of a daring rescue mission.

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Embarking on the mission to rescue prisoners in Baldur’s Gate 3 can be an exhilarating challenge. The urgency of a strict timer adds an element of intensity as you strive to save as many captives as possible. It may take a few attempts to master this task, but with perseverance, you can succeed.

The timer is represented by a set number of turns before the facility detonates, resulting in everyone’s demise. The number of turns allotted varies depending on the difficulty level you choose:

  • Explorer – 8 turns
  • Normal – 6 turns
  • Tactician – 5 turns

Opting for the easiest difficulty gives you the most flexibility in executing the rescue. Remember, you can adjust the game’s difficulty at any time, which can significantly impact the outcome.

Here are some essential tips to successfully free prisoners and guide them to safety:

  • Move Quickly: Speed is crucial in navigating the prison. Utilize any tools at your disposal, such as potions and spells, to increase your pace. Fly spell and Haste spell (lasting 10 turns) are excellent choices. Misty Step and Dimension Door also offer teleportation abilities. Divide your actions strategically to expedite the release of prisoners and ensure their swift journey to the submarine.
  • Split Up Your Party: Maximizing ground coverage requires dividing your party and exploring different areas of the prison simultaneously. Sticking together throughout the mission will only hinder progress.
  • Minions for Distraction: Enemies will occasionally appear, obstructing your path. Employ spells like Danse Macabre to summon minions and divert their attention. This allows you to avoid unnecessary combat and save turns for rescue operations.
  • Prioritize Duke Ravengard: If you have a quest involving Wyll’s father, Duke Ravengard, attempt to rescue him first. He can be found in the east cells of the prison, accessible via a ladder.
  • Consider Saving Omeelum: The Mindflayer named Omeelum possesses a unique ability to teleport with one other person. While not necessary for a separate quest, Omeelum can assist in transporting prisoners quickly. Be aware that Omeelum’s cell in the south area of the prison may sometimes be bugged, potentially wasting precious time.
  • Companion Casualties Are Acceptable: While keeping everyone alive is ideal, it’s not essential for mission success. Sacrifice a companion, if necessary, to explore for valuable items or locate hidden treasures within the prison. As long as your main character survives alongside the rescued prisoners, the mission is considered a success. Withers at your Camp can revive fallen companions if needed.
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By employing these tactics, you should be able to rescue most, if not all, of the prisoners from the Iron Throne. Don’t be disheartened if you can’t save every single captive; even a few rescues will rally the remaining Gondians at the Steel Watch Foundry to join your cause and ultimately lead to a confrontation with Gortash.

We hope you found this guide helpful in overcoming one of the game’s most challenging quests. Share your experiences with us, and don’t forget to explore our other guides and official game review for Baldur’s Gate 3.

About the author

About Stephanie Watel

Stephanie Watel is an exceptionally talented freelance writer contributing to Twinfinite, a renowned gaming website. With over a year of experience in the games media industry, Stephanie has been an integral part of the site for several months now.

Stephanie’s expertise lies in providing the latest gaming news and creating engaging gaming guides for the website’s audience. Alongside her passion for writing, she also enjoys nurturing her garden and has earned the title of “bird lady” in her neighborhood.

Stephanie holds a Bachelor’s degree in Writing from Pace University in New York, which has undoubtedly contributed to her exceptional skills and proficiency as a writer.






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