starfield vanguard motto

Starfield Vanguard Motto: Discovering Lou Saaverdra’s Role and Daniel Wenerowicz’s Influence

If you’re playing Starfield and searching for the elusive Lou Saaverdra, look no further! Lou can be found at the Sixth Circle, a bar located on the fascinating planet of Cydonia, Mars. Make sure to catch him early on in the thrilling mission, “Delivering Devils.” To reach Lou, head straight to the bar after conversing with Oktai Enbayar at the Trade Authority within the underground city of Cydonia. Simply take the elevator down to level P2, and you’ll be just a short stroll away from the Sixth Circle where Lou eagerly awaits behind the bar.

Now, let’s talk about the crucial information you’ll need to win Lou’s trust. He’s looking for the answer to the UC Vanguard Motto, and we’ve got you covered. The UC Vanguard Motto, which represents the essence of the organization, is none other than “Above and Beyond.” This motto, translated from the original Latin phrase “Supra Et Ultra,” holds great importance for those who are honored to be sworn into the Vanguard. When you confidently reveal to Lou that the answer is “Above and Beyond,” he will start to believe that you might just be trustworthy. However, be prepared for another question as he’s not completely convinced just yet.

Once you’ve answered Lou’s initial question about the Vanguard motto, he will continue to test your knowledge. One of the questions he asks is about the grading system for pilots in the UC Vanguard simulation. He specifically asks if you earned a letter grade, perhaps trying to throw you off. However, the correct answer here is that the UC Vanguard doesn’t grade based on letters. Instead, your performance in the simulation is evaluated based on the tier you were able to reach. In our case, we made it to tier 4 before being defeated.

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All of Lou’s Questions and Answers in the “Delivering Devils (Starfield)” mission:

  • What is the Vanguard Motto? – The motto is “Above and Beyond.”
  • What grade did you get in your Entrance Exam? A, B, C, or a D? – The Vanguard Entrance Exam isn’t graded using letters.

Once you have successfully answered both of Lou’s questions, he will be satisfied with your knowledge. He now recognizes that you are a true UC Vanguard pilot and someone who can assist Percival. However, the next step is still a long one. Before Lou reveals Percival’s location, you must first clear Percival’s debt.

Now that you are aware of the UC Vanguard motto, be prepared for the rest of the “Delivering Devils” mission in Starfield. It can become quite hectic, so make sure you stock up on Med Packs before venturing further.






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