weakened clear destiny 2

Weakened Clear Destiny 2: Ultimate Guide to Unlocking Breach and Clear

Destiny 2 players have something to get excited about with the latest version of the popular Breach and Clear mod. This revamped version, called Weakened Clear, brings some notable changes to the table. One significant change is its integration into the Void 3.0 subclass rework, which has impacted its effectiveness. As a result, the impact of Weakened Clear on the Destiny 2 META this season may be diminished.

Nevertheless, Weakened Clear is still a mod that deserves attention and discussion, especially as we navigate the ever-evolving Destiny 2 META. That’s why I’m here to guide you through the differences between Breach and Clear and Weakened Clear. Moreover, I’ll provide you with insights on how to unlock Weakened Clear and experience it firsthand.

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The latest version of Breach and Clear, known as Weakened Clear, brings some exciting changes compared to its predecessor. In this new modification, causing damage to a boss, champion, or breaking a target’s shield will now apply the Weaken debuff to them. This offers a notable distinction from the previous Breach and Clear, as it adopts the Weaken keyword from the Void 3.0 rework.

Despite this change, the basic functionality of the mod remains the same. By hitting a target with a grenade launcher, you can increase the damage dealt to that specific target. However, the real question is: how much more damage can you expect?

In its original form, Breach and Clear provided a substantial 30% debuff, which was incredibly impactful. With the Weaken debuff now in place, targets will take 15% more damage. Therefore, Weakened Clear is effectively half as effective as its predecessor, Breach and Clear.

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Will Weakened Clear see widespread usage? Most likely. With the recent nerfs to Divinity reducing its effectiveness, players are transitioning towards a Hunter Tether META for DPS. Since debuffs do not stack, this puts Weakened Clear at a disadvantage compared to Tether’s 30% debuff. However, there are scenarios where using Tether on a champion or an annoying yellow-bar enemy may not be ideal, and that is where Weakened Clear shines.

That being said, Weakened Clear is still powerful enough to warrant having at least one player using it in your Fireteam for any activity, especially when combined with the devastating Witherhoard. Although it may not completely break the game, it proves to be a valuable asset, particularly when combined with Solo Operative.

How to Unlock Breach and Clear / Weakened Clear in Destiny 2

Credits: @WhatIfGaming /

Unlocking the Weakened Clear mod in Destiny 2 is a straightforward process. As an artifact mod, it is exclusively available during the Season of the Seraph. It’s important to note that once the season concludes, the mod will no longer be accessible.

Weakened Clear is a tier-five mod, making it the most powerful mod in the seasonal artifact. To obtain it, you’ll need to rank up your artifact approximately 10 times. This may seem like a challenging task, but with dedication and effort, it is achievable within the first two or three weeks of the season.

As a class item mod, Weakened Clear does not have any elemental requirements. However, it does cost five energy to equip. While this energy cost may seem high for an armor slot that already has a wide range of available mods, the benefits provided by Weakened Clear make it worth the investment.

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Although Weakened Clear is not considered optimal, it is still a useful and reliable mod for general activities during the season. It may not be as powerful as Particle Deconstruction, so it’s best not to rely on it heavily for Master Raids.






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